Work With Chelsea

Join a focused Masterclass and explore guided, thematic work, and energetics through the presented  transformational writing practices. 

New classes updated as they arrive and become available as guided.

Join Chelsea’s newsletter to stay updated on Masterclasses. 


Saturday, June 10th | 3PM- 5PM | In- Person | ASBURY PARK, NJ
In this Transformational Writing Masterclass, we will explore the spiritual, energetic and creative forces held within our writing. Chelsea will guide the group through a healing meditation. We will witness shifts, and patterns from within our writing lives, on and off the page. We will align and attune to a renewed vision and relationship with the written word. Bring a new journal, as we begin a new chapter of our writing lives in this class or select one from the shoppe. This class is open to all levels of writers, those who disconnected from their writing, those who wish to write again, and those curious about beginning their relationship with writing.
Thursday, June 15th | 6PM- 8PM EST | ZOOM | $45 Offering
What power & energy do symbols hold? How can we begin to access this within the symbols ours lives, our writing, and and our held histories? Chelsea will guide you through an intentional exploration of the symbols within your experiences and your writing. You will connect with these symbols to draw out, excavate, and clear what is held through energy work and writing from and within symbols. You will receive a new symbol to work with to encourage, foster, and catalyze new growth and wisdom in your life on and off the page. You will learn to work with the energy your new symbol, to weave into your energetic field and into your writing.
Thursday, June 22nd | 2:30PM- 4PM | ZOOM | $55- Offering
Using scene work, and guided meditation we will return to points in our narrative that are frozen energetically, and in need of support. We will rescript these pieces of our lives on the page, and shift them in our fields. Note this masterclass is highly experiential, and involves energy work.

May Masterclasses

Sunday, May 12th 10AM- 12 PM EST | VIRTUAL
Intentionally guided genesis writing masterclass with supportive text, a healing meditation that clears blocks of expression,  intuitive guidance for your writing & energy work. Chelsea tunes into your writing, in real time, and advises according to the field, in a deepening process that yields further discovery and clearing on and off the page.
Sunday, June 18th | 10 AM- 12 PM EST | ZOOM | $45 Offering
Intentionally guided generative writing workshop, with supportive text, healing meditation, and community connection. Includes intuitive guidance for you writing.

August Masterclasses

Meet Your Guide

Chelsea Palermo is a poet, intuitive and energy alchemist. She holds an MFA in Poetry, and is a Reiki Master. Among her many certifications are Somatic Attachment Therapy, Life Story Coach, Resilient Heart Practitioner, and Sacred Awakenings Akashic Record Reader. Chelsea harnesses a multimodal approach to healing that is grounded in writing, and deeply woven in the work of energy healing, and divine guidance. 

Chelsea was nominated for Poet Laureate of Asbury Park and she performs her work widely. Often Chelsea can be found hosting poetry and arts events in her community.  Her poems can be found in This Broken Shore, Lamplighter , The Monmouth Review, Soup Can Magazine and others. In addition to teaching her transformational writing and energy programs, Chelsea instructs as an adjunct English Professor.

