accepting the path
In full awareness that the healing writing wanted to come into communion with the intuitive gifts, and energy, I began the work of accepting this part of the path. The pathways of healing, and weaving modalities into the writing work continues. In 2022, I completed training in Somatic Attachment Therapy, and as a Resilient Heart Practitioner. As I continued to integrate my practices, and the energy work, I worked with many teachers. In 2023, I studied the Akashic Records, and moved through my Sacred Awakenings Akashic Records Practitioner training. Presently, I am in process of becoming a Certified Yoga Instructor.
The path is wide, well worn, and lit with much light. My journey has led me towards continuous study of writing, and healing on many levels. The synergy of mind, body, spirit, and the ways in which we move through healing, or the ways healing moves through us, has been a steady path in the forefront of my work.
I continue in devotion to these practices, the pathways through which writing can heal, the energy that weaves and is part of all that we are, seen and unseen.
It is with gratitude and reverence, I bring forth the teachings of how to use writing as transformation, as soul expression. It is my honor to present the methods of writing to heal, to facilitate the transformation of your life, your relationship with the written word, your story, and to connect you more deeply with your spiritual and creative self.