Private Session

Intuitively led reading of the essence of your work, coupled with craft lens to move you towards new vision, insights, and breakthroughs. 

reVISIONING: Essence, Craft & Clarity

In these sessions, we dive into the energetics of the writing. Then, we examine the writing from the writer’s lens.

The page holds more information than can be seen. Weaving together the art & craft of writing, with the art of energetics we will be guided to what your writing is asking to be cleared.

We will move towards creation, clarity, and vision for the piece as a work of art, an expression of your soul, and a testament to your healing. 

We will dive into the healing work working across spectrums of genre, healing modalities, craft technique, metaphysics and energy work.

I will guide you as we move through a deeply curated, held field of discovery, healing and expression.

In addition to discovering clarity and insights through the energy, we will explore what the structure, craft and form reveal within your work.

With an open heart, this process yields to the unfolding of the next steps of where you are being led by your writing, and energy.

We will explore the interactions of the energy and the story line. The language held on the page contains the craft of writing, and the heart of the matter. We will move to locate what is central in the piece, what is present and what is missing.

These are highly intuitive sessions, that are focused on the craft, and what the inherent form present on the page sets up as a way to enter into the healing work.

In essence, this offering is an invitation to restructure, and reimagine the ways in which you come into relationship with your writing.

In most sessions, new writing will emerge, in addition to the direction and revision of the original piece offered. Consider that these sessions are comprised of a highly tuned way of seeing, feeling, listening, and knowing what is held in the field of your writing.

This work invites elements of truth finding, and works towards resolution within the writing. I look at the writing as it’s own being, holding energy and wisdom.

I ask that you move towards reVISIONing by stepping into the intention of writing to heal. And that this intention be set, prior to coming into our session.

Sessions are conducted via Zoom. Selected pieces should be no longer than 4 pages of poetry, 10 pages of fiction, nonfiction, plays, screenplays. 

 Exchange  $250/ Session  (75 mins) 

Please, schedule your session two weeks out from present date, to allow time for me to be present with your work. I spend substantial time being with your writing prior to our session. Upon booking your session you will be prompted to upload your writing. If unable, enter this into the note. Email with your writing file as an attachment. 

  • Work should be double spaced. 
  • 12 point font 
  • Poems should be left aligned. 
  • Accepted formats: pages, doc.x, pdf

REvisioning: Essence, Craft & Clarity Session Process

Prior to our Session

I sit before your work, and conduct an energetic diagnostic of your work. This will give space, direction, and information on what your writing is holding. This is strictly through the lens of energy. 

Then, I move into the craft lens. This is another layer of assessment from the view of writing craft. 


During Our Session

We enter into an energetically held space as we move through the revelations in the work based on the energy and the craft findings. We tune into what is arising in the moment, and move through present shifts ready to be released within the body of the work. 

This approach brings in workings of somatic work, heart centered hearing & tuning, writing craft, energy work and intuitive guidance to give context for the container we are holding together. 

We will be guided to further point of expression through this work together. 

Session Follow up

I will compile all that has risen from our time together, the work prior to our session, during, and after into formal document that outlines key points, energetic findings, craft suggestions, and brings forth further practices, prompts, and pathways for your writing and healing. 

This will support you in furthering your writing, and on your healing path. 

Meet Your Guide

Chelsea Palermo is a poet, intuitive and energy alchemist. She holds an MFA in Poetry, and is a Reiki Master. Among her many certifications are Somatic Attachment Therapy, Life Story Coach, Resilient Heart Practitioner, and Sacred Awakenings Akashic Record Reader. Chelsea harnesses a multimodal approach to healing that is grounded in writing, and deeply woven in the work of energy healing, and divine guidance. 

Chelsea was nominated for Poet Laureate of Asbury Park and she performs her work widely. Often Chelsea can be found hosting poetry and arts events in her community.  Her poems can be found in This Broken Shore, Lamplighter , The Monmouth Review, Soup Can Magazine and others. In addition to teaching her transformational writing and energy programs, Chelsea instructs as an adjunct English Professor.



Ready to Begin?

Book Your REVISIONING Session!

60 minute virtual session

Pre- Session Essence & Craft Diagnostic

Transformational Writing, Energy shift & 

Intuitive Guidance.  Post- SeSsion Transformation Guide

